Checking on Standing Seam Metal Roof Hail Damage


The use of standing seams for metal roofing is becoming more and more popular as a metal roofing option. This is because of the many advantages that the structure provides for modern homeowners. First, standing seams provide a high level of weather-tight support. It also gives your home a sleek and modern appeal. Lastly, it is known to make your metal roof last longer than other options.

There are many other benefits that come with this type of roofing. However, there are also a few disadvantages that you also need to be aware of. One of the great things about standing seam metal roofs is that it is able to withstand against hail damage. Unfortunately, this doesn’t mean that it is totally unaffected by hail storms.

Metal Roofing

There are actually many different metal roofing options available. There are metal roofing tiles, metal shingles, and other fastener roofing systems that are often used to support metal roofs on agricultural or industrial buildings. The standing seam metal roof is a homeowner’s favorite. When compared against other metal roofing systems, more people are starting to opt for standing seam metal roofs because of the modern-look and durable properties.

Standing Seam Metal Roofing

Standing seam metal roofs are dependent on fastener metal panel systems. The fasteners are concealed and are made of a  set of vertical legs. A broad and flattened area is set in the middle of the legs. Some would also describe this type of roofing system as relying on a set of raised seams on a flat panel. Aside from being of use as support for metal roofing, standing seams are also applicable when installing metal walls on your property.

The main feature of this type of system is that the fasteners are hidden. Methods by which panels are attached can vary. In some cases, a clip can be used to secure the panel to the roof deck while at other times, it can be directly attached with the use of a fastener flange attached to the vertical leg. One of the best things about the standing seam metal roof is that there are different choices available for property owners. There are multiple colors and panels that differ in width, length, shape, profile, thickness, and more.

Panel Profiles

The way in which panels are put together refers to the panel profile of the seam. The panel profile that your roof will need is dependent on other factors, such as the slope, roof type, and the location. Other things can also affect the required panel profile. These are the different common panel profiles:

  • Snap Lock Panels
  • Mechanical Lock Panels
  • Single Lock Panels
  • Double Lock Panels
  • Batten Panels
  • Tea Seams
  • Snap Caps
  • Fastener Flanges

Hail Storm Damage

Hail storms can cause major damage to your properties. Homes, vehicles, and basically anything left outside can be susceptible to damage from hail. Your roof is one of the major victims in the case of a hail storm. However, the level of damage varies depending on how strong the storm is and the type of roof you have on your property. Metal roofs are some of the more resilient roofing structures when it comes to hail storms. Standing seam metal roofs are also known to be more durable against such harsh weather. However, when a hail storm hits, there is still a large chance that damage will occur. These are some of the factors that you have to watch out for.

  • Wind Speed and Direction – The strength of a hail storm can be further heightened with harsh wind conditions. The severity of the hail impact also depends on the speed and direction of the wind.
  • Hailstone Size and Density – How big the hailstones actually play a huge role in just how much damage they can incur. However, their density also matters. Large hailstones are likely to cause less damage than smaller, more compact ones. However, large and compact stones pose a double threat.
  • House Roof Materials – The actual materials that make up your home take impact differently. Some materials may break more easily than others. Metal roofing materials, however, are not likely to break but you are likely to find a few dents and dings around your property.
  • Home Barriers and Surrounding Structures – if your home is surrounded by dozens of trees, other homes, or tall buildings, these properties could act as shields that will end up taking the brunt of the hail damage, leaving your home well-covered, more protected, and less damaged than if it was out in the open.

Hail storms are definitely things to watch out for. In order to prevent major damage, having extra protective covers, using high-quality, durable, and strong building materials, and making sure that your home doesn’t have any prior damage are a few things you can do.

Another important thing to secure your property is to make sure that the installation of your roofing Huntsville AL is done by the best team in the state. Improper roofing installation could get you faulty covers that are more prone to breaking down under a hail storm.


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